Employee Benefits How project tracking motivates employees to be more productive? Anjana Desai, November 8, 2024November 8, 2024 Project Tracking aims to track a team’s work on a project. Simple enough for anyone to understand, but with plenty of options for customizing your workflow. No matter how skilled or inexperienced you are, Project Tracking will help you focus on other essential tasks that require attention. It’s easy to… Continue Reading
Employee Benefits Five Stunning Strategies To Design a Complete Employee Benefits Program Anjana Desai, July 17, 2023July 8, 2024 A quick reality check– in modern times, just a few paid time off (PTO) and healthcare package fall short in front of the mounting issues in the professional and personal lives of employees. Which firms would take care of them financially after their retirement? Which companies provide tele-health services for… Continue Reading
Employee Management Remote On-boarding For Your Employees In 2023 Anjana Desai, March 23, 2023August 4, 2024 The onboarding process is the very first impression that the newly hired candidate has of the company. This impression plays a major role in building their trust and giving them a head-start on the rules, regulations and work culture of the company. An onboarding checklist allows the manager to ensure… Continue Reading