Top 10 HR Trends in 2021

HR Trends are a dynamic phenomenon that evolves and adjusts with time and situation. The Covid19 pandemic was one such situation that required monumental changes in the work structure and settings of the corporate industry.
It immensely affected the way management was carried out and led to numerous changes that redefined the methods and manners of work.
In this article, we will go through the top 10 HR trends 2021 that have sustained industries and kept them on track.
Work from home
The trend of working from home is not entirely new, but with the lockdowns all over the globe, it has become a necessity and one of the Top 10 HR Trends in 2021. Working from home was an optional work method before it became a requirement for companies to stay on track.
Remote working became the central factor for planning the entire management and policy formation of the company.
Rethinking HR
We have already established that the work from home structure caused many changes in the arrangement and dynamics of the company. It also led to a change in the way HR was designed to approach employee problems and monitor them.
From Recruitment to on-boarding, every process was transformed and HR reinvented practices like meetings, coordination, monitoring, and feedback, in order to adjust to the situation and the digital work format.
Reinventing the employee experience
With the entire redesigned work structure, the employee experience has immensely changed from newly hired employees to old staff. HR managers have been working to compensate for the absence of offline interactions and team bonding by creating a comfortable virtual office experience.
Unlike the traditional HR approach, the new HR trend is all about focusing on employee satisfaction in terms of their work-life balance and mental well-being along with their professional work graph.
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Skill development and training
Companies are looking forward to hiring individuals who will prove to be beneficial for their growth in the longer run. Pertaining to the same idea, another remarkable HR trend is to constantly update the professional quotient of employees by organizing skill development training and seminars.
Upskilling is a great tool to ensure higher productivity and better working of an enterprise. With the Covid 19 pandemic, this need has become more important than ever.
Perennials: stepping beyond generational boundaries
Companies approached their employees with different strategies for individuals belonging to different generations. But the recent HR trends focus on creating a common approach towards the “perennials”.
Perennials refer to a group of people who come from different ages and backgrounds and step beyond the stereotypes associated with them. They make connections with the world around them and engage with their surroundings in an active manner.
Research has proved that generational differences in people’s views on their work and life are not as rigid as they were presumed to be. This has created a space for open-minded thinking and a dynamic engagement with ideas and innovation.
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HR as the torchbearer
With the shift of office culture from offline office space to remote work from home setup, HR evolved as the connecting link between employees and the company. Right from hiring employees, to monitoring their work progress, entertaining their grievances, and formulating a productive work environment, HR has been on the frontline.
They have been looking after the technical aspects of the business and assisting employees with their mental and personal well-being. The pandemic caused them to shift from being one of the many office management departments to being the most essential unit upholding the business.
Automation and Digitization
HR has transformed its work style from manual to automated. With HR software like Juntrax by Juntrax solutions, one of the most remarkable HR trends in 2021 is digitization and automation. This trend has proved to be useful in saving time, adding accuracy, and reducing the complexities of handling large amounts of data.
It has also added to the company’s efficiency and presented options like employee self-service and flexible access to both employees and the manager.
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Personalization and Job Crafting
The work-from-home setup has allowed employees to personalize their work style and environment. Right from arranging their remote workspace to adjusting their office hours, they have stepped outside the traditional bubble of predefined work structure. A similar approach can be detected in the way they work on their projects and handle technical responsibilities.
This is where job crafting comes into the picture. Job crafting empowers the employee to improve their job by working on five different factors. These factors are –
- Tasks
- Skills
- Purpose
- Relations
- Wellbeing
Acing work analytics
Analytics is amongst the most discussed topics across the corporate industry. The main reason for analytics gaining importance is its relevance and contribution in guiding business ventures.
It allows the manager to assess what data is essential and accordingly conduct a directional assessment that will add value to the company’s performance and planning. Value-based data also serves as a great tool for identifying problems and complications suffered by a particular company or an entire industry.
Purpose-driven planning
Purpose is the ultimate motivation and guide to reach the destination of success. While many employers are skeptical about employee productivity from a work-from-home setup, a purpose-driven work structure proves to be the best solution. It allows the employee and the employer to have a clear goal. It motivates them to work on the goal and reduces chaos and confusion concerning their roles and responsibilities.
While some of the Top 10 HR Trends in 2021, have been there in the industry, most of them have recently gained prominence as a result of the pandemic.
These trends have worked as a coping mechanism for companies to work their way through the pandemic and sustain their business.
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Great piece of work, Thank you for sharing!