How To Reverse The Trend Of Remote Micromanagement?

How to Reverse the trend of Remote Micromanagement

How To Reverse The Trend Of Remote Micromanagement?

The Covid-19 pandemic shook industries and their work structure to their very core. It led to an unexpected transition of the working conditions from an offline office space to a remote work from home setup.

This change has left a lot of employers disoriented which in turn has resulted in the rise of an unhealthy culture of micromanagement. This has caused high amounts of toxicity in the corporate work structure and therefore it is important to end it and find alternatives to formulate a healthy and positive work environment.

In 2020, with the uprising of the issue of micromanagement, there was also a spike in employee management software which served as an effective solution against the problem. Companies like Juntrax Solutions came up with employee management system that assisted admins and companies in creating a comfortable work environment for their employees with convenient and effective management.


Managing the entire office and employees in a remote setup highlighted numerous challenges that were dealt with in different ways by different companies and admins. It was seen as a tedious and difficult task by many managers and many struggled to find solutions to this problem.

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In this article, we will address these struggles and find ways that can reverse the trend of micromanagement

Understanding Micromanagement Behaviour

Understanding and accepting the fact that micromanagement is occurring in an office space is the first step towards finding a solution to the issue. In a work environment, a person who is getting micromanaged realises its occurrence but the person who conducts this micromanagement often stays unaware of it or refuses to address it.

Such a scenario turns out to take a complicated form as it tests the slight difference between accepting mistakes to improve and demoralising to assert control. This scenario can easily be ignored by acknowledging the fact that the admin is micromanaging the employees and the workspace.

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To find out the occurrence of this scenario here are a few questions one can observe and assess :

  1. Do the managers pay attention to keeping a track of employees and the time they spend on their work?
  2. Do they infringe on tasks that do not mandate their time and involvement?
  3. When they appoint tasks to employees and focus on results?
  4. Do they overlook the challenges faced by their employees and force them to achieve the target results?Understanding Micromanagement Behaviour
  5. Do they trust their team blindly and overlook their mistakes?
  6. Do they tend to make the employees rework every assignment and engage with the same task repeatedly?
  7. Are they confident in letting their team function independently?

These are some of the major questions that will help one assess whether or not the manager is micromanaging their team.

Strategies to curtail Micromanagement

Once it has been realized that toxic micromanagement is occurring in the office space, the next step is to curtail that. This can be done by incorporating an employee management system in the office. There are many employee management system like Juntrax that offer assistance in effective and swift management.

Some other ways in which micromanagement can be decreased are :


Many studies have condensed to the conclusion that most HR managers lack the basic leadership skills which are required to support their employees. With the new mode of remote working, most of the managers are conscious about the dedication of their employees towards their work and have little or no faith that their employees will invest their time and talent to provide productive work from home.

This lack of confidence impacts the entire team and creates a negative space which in turn leads to misunderstandings and low productivity.

Strategies to curtail Micromanagement - Training

It also impacts the manager’s confidence which is not healthy for the organisation or the manager in the long run. Therefore, companies need to recognise the need for training managers and conducting sessions to assist them in improving their leadership and managerial skills. This will ignite confidence in them which will help them in leading their team successfully and stop the occurrence of micromanagement.

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The pandemic did not spare anyone, from mental health to technical difficulties, managers have also gone through a lot. It is important for companies to pay attention to the well-being and work satisfaction of their managers along with their employees.

Focus on results, not the details

Managers often get frustrated when the outcome they expected is not delivered by their employees. Remote working has allowed managers to indulge and interfere in the tasks allotted to the employees. This frequent interference disturbs employees and their attention is drawn to answering their manager instead of focusing on their work.

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It creates a toxic work environment where the employee is unable to claim ownership to their work. It further demoralises them and prevents them from exploring different ways to improve their work output and function in peace.

Managers, therefore, need to focus on the end result and maintain a decent distance from the ongoing work process.

Reverse the trend of Remote Micromanagement

When the employee delivers good results, the manager must step back from micromanaging. And if the outcome is not as expected then the manager must opt for giving constructive criticism. Instead of micromanaging them, they can arrange a feedback session once in a while and assess their employees without obstructing their work process.


Now with the second wave of Covid hitting in, companies have realised that remote working will continue and might even become a normal way of working.

Therefore, it is very critical to eliminate the tendency of micromanagement and work on methods that can promote a healthy and productive remote workspace.

Juntrax is a great medium of infusing satisfactory management, efficiency and transparency in one workspace. It inculcates a flexible, convenient and transparent work discourse in a company and automates numerous essential processes to provide prompt and well-balanced office management.