How Upskilling Your Team Benefits Your Organization?

How Upskilling Your Team Benefits Your Organization?

Smart organizations can alleviate some of their basic financial pains by investing in tenured employees to retain them in the organization. Stellar employees, the ones with great morale and high productivity, can be hard to come by and organizations understand the benefits of finding ways to retain these individuals. To create a better workforce companies are exploring the question – How upskilling your team benefits your organization?

There are numerous successful companies that invest in the process known as upskilling to help retain current employees and brush up their skills for the greater benefit of the organisation.

What is Upskilling?

Upskilling is the process of teaching current employees new skills. This enables the employees to move into bigger and better jobs in the organization.

Investing in upskilling employees pays off in the long run, as the company saves money on hiring new associates and boosts the morale of tenured employees at the same time.

How Does Upskilling Benefit Your Organisation?

It may seem like a good idea to train your people and help them move up the corporate ladder, but it’s more than a noble concept.

There are specific benefits you will reap from upskilling the workforce:

Employee Retention

Employees who are challenged to develop and grow are often the happiest ones at an organization. If your company works to retain tenured employees, it will prove that you are making a solid investment in the people, which is sure to boost morale and productivity. Employees who are challenged to grow outside of their roles tend to get excited about what might be around the corner for them.

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Customer Satisfaction

If you have happy employees, you are far more likely to have happy customers. Content employees are typically more invested in the company, they promote the corporate brand within the organization and to your customers. Typically, happy customers tend to be loyal customers as well.

Save on the process of rehiring 

It is expensive to lose and replace tenured associates. You are losing the investment you made in the current individual, not just because of any talent development you paid for, but also because when that individual leaves, they take all their knowledge and experience with them.

Now you have to pay not only to advertise the new role, for the recruitment process, the time it takes to interview candidates, any hiring bonuses that new individuals may require and also the time it will take the new individual to ramp up into the new position. Simply losing one employee can be a hit on the bottom line.

Upskilling Strategies

In order to create robust upskilling in your organization, you will need to devise a strategic plan. Having a strategy will help you to get buy-in from leadership within the organization and also from the employees themselves.

Personal Development Plans

Encourage associates to build a Personal Development Plan that includes competencies that they want to improve upon and skills they want to gain. Empowering your employees to come up with their own plan is key to the success of the upskilling training program. Employees can identify new skills and competencies that resonate with them as opposed to being told what they need to learn.

Allocate Time During the Workday

Once your employees create their individual development plan, allow time during the workday for employees to upskill. Perhaps you have an employee who wants to take a communications course. Allow them to leave early to attend class or provide time and a quiet space to take the class online.

Job-Specific Upskilling/Credentialing Programs

Offer your employees job-specific training to enhance their current skills. For example, you may have specialty software used by only a small sector of your organization. Consider offering upskilling training on the software to employees in the company who may be interested in learning more about it. You may also consider offering credentialing programs, meaning training that results in a professional certificate.

For example, you may have instructional designers on your team who would benefit by enrolling in an intensive E-Learning Certificate program.

You may be looking at the expense of upskilling training and decide it isn’t worth the investment. But it doesn’t have to cause a tremendous financial setback. You can upskill employees on a shoestring budget if you get creative. There are many ways to reskill corporate learners using a classroom setting, online learning content, or using your current employees to assist in creating upskilling training.

How to Implement Upskilling Training?

Classroom Training

Trainers can conduct upskilling classes in a classroom setting, allowing employees to learn new skills or enhance current ones. For example, companies may detect downward trends in production and leverage the training department to upskill employees in a group setting, thus correcting bad habits and enhancing production.

Trainers can present new ideas, allow participants to brainstorm and share ideas, utilize training software and bring trainees up to speed quickly.

Virtual Classroom Training

Companies with a global workforce may not have the luxury of classroom training if employees are dispersed in various locations. If your company has numerous locations, consider investing in a Learning and Talent Development platform to function as a virtual classroom solution.

Investing in virtual classroom programs allows you to upskill employees regardless of their location. Employees simply log in to the platform at the designated time and the facilitator can cover an abundance of upskilling training topics.


Another effective way of upskilling employees is to create web-based micro-learning units, short web-based training modules that cover a topic in 5-10 minutes.

For example, an organization may notice a decrease in customer satisfaction surveys. The training team could be leveraged to create a soft skills micro-learning program that covers how to positively interact with customers. Employees could enhance their skills during short workday breaks by taking the micro-learning units that interest them.

Mentors / Subject Matter Experts

Utilize some of your best employees in a mentorship or SME program. Offer your top producers an opportunity to develop their own leadership skills by mentoring others or acting as SMEs in training. Experts are extremely useful in all kinds of training programs, as they can answer questions and explain difficult processes from a practical perspective.

You can also utilize SMEs to assist with building E-Learning content for full micro-learning programs. Your training team will have a peace of mind, knowing that their content is up-to-date and accurate, if they collaborate with SMEs during the development process.


Upskilling has an abundance of advantages, from improving employee motivation to saving the company money. And it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Begin by assessing gaps in your current employees’ knowledge.

So to finally answer the question – How upskilling your team benefits your organization?

It empowers your employees to develop their own career development path and ultimately offer their skills and expertise to help the company achieve its goals. Take the time to invest in upskilling employees so that they stay with you and help your organization to grow and thrive.

How To Reverse The Trend Of Remote Micromanagement?

How To Reverse The Trend Of Remote Micromanagement?

The Covid-19 pandemic shook industries and their work structure to their very core. It led to an unexpected transition of the working conditions from an offline office space to a remote work from home setup.

This change has left a lot of employers disoriented which in turn has resulted in the rise of an unhealthy culture of micromanagement. This has caused high amounts of toxicity in the corporate work structure and therefore it is important to end it and find alternatives to formulate a healthy and positive work environment.

In 2020, with the uprising of the issue of micromanagement, there was also a spike in employee management software which served as an effective solution against the problem. Companies like Juntrax Solutions came up with employee management system that assisted admins and companies in creating a comfortable work environment for their employees with convenient and effective management.


Managing the entire office and employees in a remote setup highlighted numerous challenges that were dealt with in different ways by different companies and admins. It was seen as a tedious and difficult task by many managers and many struggled to find solutions to this problem.

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In this article, we will address these struggles and find ways that can reverse the trend of micromanagement

Understanding Micromanagement Behaviour

Understanding and accepting the fact that micromanagement is occurring in an office space is the first step towards finding a solution to the issue. In a work environment, a person who is getting micromanaged realises its occurrence but the person who conducts this micromanagement often stays unaware of it or refuses to address it.

Such a scenario turns out to take a complicated form as it tests the slight difference between accepting mistakes to improve and demoralising to assert control. This scenario can easily be ignored by acknowledging the fact that the admin is micromanaging the employees and the workspace.

You may also like to read : Reasons to Invest in Employee Management System

To find out the occurrence of this scenario here are a few questions one can observe and assess :

  1. Do the managers pay attention to keeping a track of employees and the time they spend on their work?
  2. Do they infringe on tasks that do not mandate their time and involvement?
  3. When they appoint tasks to employees and focus on results?
  4. Do they overlook the challenges faced by their employees and force them to achieve the target results?Understanding Micromanagement Behaviour
  5. Do they trust their team blindly and overlook their mistakes?
  6. Do they tend to make the employees rework every assignment and engage with the same task repeatedly?
  7. Are they confident in letting their team function independently?

These are some of the major questions that will help one assess whether or not the manager is micromanaging their team.

Strategies to curtail Micromanagement

Once it has been realized that toxic micromanagement is occurring in the office space, the next step is to curtail that. This can be done by incorporating an employee management system in the office. There are many employee management system like Juntrax that offer assistance in effective and swift management.

Some other ways in which micromanagement can be decreased are :


Many studies have condensed to the conclusion that most HR managers lack the basic leadership skills which are required to support their employees. With the new mode of remote working, most of the managers are conscious about the dedication of their employees towards their work and have little or no faith that their employees will invest their time and talent to provide productive work from home.

This lack of confidence impacts the entire team and creates a negative space which in turn leads to misunderstandings and low productivity.

Strategies to curtail Micromanagement - Training

It also impacts the manager’s confidence which is not healthy for the organisation or the manager in the long run. Therefore, companies need to recognise the need for training managers and conducting sessions to assist them in improving their leadership and managerial skills. This will ignite confidence in them which will help them in leading their team successfully and stop the occurrence of micromanagement.

Also read : Good Office Management Can Build Great Team Spirit!

The pandemic did not spare anyone, from mental health to technical difficulties, managers have also gone through a lot. It is important for companies to pay attention to the well-being and work satisfaction of their managers along with their employees.

Focus on results, not the details

Managers often get frustrated when the outcome they expected is not delivered by their employees. Remote working has allowed managers to indulge and interfere in the tasks allotted to the employees. This frequent interference disturbs employees and their attention is drawn to answering their manager instead of focusing on their work.

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It creates a toxic work environment where the employee is unable to claim ownership to their work. It further demoralises them and prevents them from exploring different ways to improve their work output and function in peace.

Managers, therefore, need to focus on the end result and maintain a decent distance from the ongoing work process.

Reverse the trend of Remote Micromanagement

When the employee delivers good results, the manager must step back from micromanaging. And if the outcome is not as expected then the manager must opt for giving constructive criticism. Instead of micromanaging them, they can arrange a feedback session once in a while and assess their employees without obstructing their work process.


Now with the second wave of Covid hitting in, companies have realised that remote working will continue and might even become a normal way of working.

Therefore, it is very critical to eliminate the tendency of micromanagement and work on methods that can promote a healthy and productive remote workspace.

Juntrax is a great medium of infusing satisfactory management, efficiency and transparency in one workspace. It inculcates a flexible, convenient and transparent work discourse in a company and automates numerous essential processes to provide prompt and well-balanced office management.


Reasons to Invest in Employee Management System

Reasons to Invest in Employee Management System

Businesses are growing at a rapid rate in every industry known to us. With the growing numbers of ventures, there is a growth in competition and the verve to step forward and make a mark. Employee Management System is one medium which will help you increase your pace in the race for success. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why you must invest in an Employee Management System.

What is Employee Management?

Employees are the most important asset for every corporation, thus it becomes really important to manage them in an efficient manner. The entire procedure of looking after the numerous facets related to office employees, all the way from sustaining their documents to maintaining a track of their day-to-day work and governing their performance is recognized as Employee Management.

Employee Management

Conventionally, the process of Employee management was supervised by a whole HR team especially appointed for the purpose, but with the latest software advances in the market, supplementary means like on-premises software, digital HR setups, and Employee Management Software has gained prevalence.

What is an Employee Management System?

EMS stands for Employee Management System.

Employee Management System

An Employee Management System is a software setup that assists an enterprise in managing various tasks like generating payroll, tracking employee attendance, managing leave applications, and other such roles related to office employees and their management.

What are the Benefits of Employee Management System?


Employee Management covers numerous aspects. From generating payroll to looking after leave records and attendance, there are several tasks that come under Employee Management.

With Employee Management Software, all these tasks are performed at a single platform with professional conduct. Instead of hiring an entire team of employees devoted to managing these tasks, your company can save a lot by simply investing in Employee Management Software.


Employee Management Software tends to perform numerous actions simultaneously and can be used by multiple users at the same time. This integrated platform allows different tasks to run simultaneously which in turn saves a lot of time and effort.


The Employee Management Software automates all calculations, from payroll generation to calculating the attendance percentage of every employee. Manual calculations can be doubtful, especially while looking after a large number of employees. The Employee Management System removes the chances of errors and guarantees a hundred per cent accuracy

Benefits of Employee Management System


Unlike hard copy data, soft copy documents have a better scope of accessibility and safety. With the Employee Management System, all important data is stored in a cloud-based interface which can only be accessed by entering authorized security credentials. Employee Management System comes with many tools and features to save data from cyber theft and form a back-up for emergencies.


There are many software systems in the market, which are compatible with a few selected system interfaces. But software like Juntrax by Juntrax Solutions come with a flexible design that can be accessed over all kinds of systems and devices.

Remote access 

Unlike other resources and software which can only be accessed on office systems, the Employee Management Software can be accessed outside office locations. It allows remote access and thus makes it easier to access essential data, update information, edit details, and keep track of the overall functioning of the team.

Problems encountered in the absence of an EMS 

Tracking work status

To ensure that the best of every employees’ potential is utilized for the growth of the company, the manager needs to keep a track of their work status. Maintaining track of every employees’ work status can be a tiring job when conducted manually. This becomes even more difficult when the data needs to be accessed outside the office settings.


There are multiple aspects which require prompt communication regularly. These include employee dilemmas, project synopsis, customer details and logistic regulations. It becomes extremely problematic for the admin to retain an adequate record of the details and inquiries conveyed to them. With the current pandemic situation, this issue has evolved to another advanced level.

Maintaining Data Records

Every company has stringent strategies for filing employee data. From the on-boarding details of a newly hired employee to the time until they are a part of the company.

Conserving data records of every employee can be a sensitive task. Information like their leave records, data updates, payroll records, expense invoices, reimbursements, and many more documents need proper care and conservation. The slightest error in any of this can lead to a situation of confusion and errors.

Employee Management - Juntrax

Features of an EMS

The paperless on-boarding process for employees

Maintaining hard copy files for storing employee records is an important yet monotonous job, especially when performed manually. But with an Employee Management Software, this job can be done within a few seconds. This software brings an endurable, convenient, and paperless alternative for organizing the entire employee on-boarding system.

Easy Hiring 

Juntrax Employee Management Software comes with the feature of a checklist enabled hiring process. The software comes with a checklist enabled hiring process that assists the employer in maintaining a well-structured database for all necessary documentation in the form of check-boxes. The employer can customize, create, edit, and remove the check-boxes as per their comfort and requirement.

Benefit of EMS

Employee Self-service 

The Employee Management System provides a simplified interface for the employees to enter all their data on their own. This not only saves time but also authorizes self-service for the employees. The employees can easily access the employee portal from any convenient place, at any desired time and update their info, add details, upload files, and perform other such tasks without any assistance.

 Combined Document Management

Employee Management Software allows the admin to authorize other team members and managers to develop documents, edit them, and view them. Depending upon the requirement of the team, the admin can yield document access to the manager, the heads, or the team members.


An Employee management system aims at providing a professional, transparent and user-friendly space to the company. It boosts the management of the enterprise and provides unmatched results without any additional costs or requirements.

Juntrax by Juntrax Solutions is a leading example of premium Employee Management Software. It comes with a huge range of tools and features which will empower your business and help you in utilizing the potential of your workforce at their best.