Why Leave Management System Is Important For Businesses

The Leave Management system helps organizations manage employee absences. It acts as a channel between employees and employers to streamline the leave process. That is application and approval and maintains well-structured records for backtracking purposes. The software also allows managers to better assess the impact of absences on the workplace. 

It provides a framework for managers, employees, and supervisors to take action on filling in for absent employees and making plans for how the absence will affect ongoing projects. The software can be customized according to particular requirements of an organization, such as different work shifts or locations that make it difficult to meet regularly with an employee during their absence. 

What does a Leave Management System do exactly?

A Leave Management System helps HR and payroll departments track leave usage and generate reports with details of employees’ leave balances and historical data. The system can be integrated with other software, such as HRIS or payroll systems, to process transactions automatically.

  • Tracking leaves guides you through what kind of leaves are available, their timeframes, who is eligible to take them, and how much time they have left until the expiration date.
  • Reports with graphs allow us to compare the number of leaves taken by employees over a particular date range or a year.
  • Reports with graphs can be exported for further processing by your accounting department or other applications.
  • The integration with HRIS, payroll systems, and other applications allows you to automatically process leave requests and payments.

Features of leave management software:

Leave management software is used in absence management to track the number of employees taking leave along-with reasons and employees’ expected return dates. Here are the features of leave management software:

  1. Information shared only among authorized employees and managers leads to more effective communication and improved teamwork.
  2. Provides accurate information about employees’ scheduled absences, shifts, performance, and reason for leaves, wherever they might be located. It helps an organization to meet its objectives in time, whether internal or external customer services are the issue. Meeting those objectives depends on timely feedback on employee absences from the leave management software.
  3. Controls the use of paid leave and helps you to understand who is available and why. This information allows you to better plan for increases in absences. It enables you to plan their work based on accurate information, e.g., arranging pay and break schedules accordingly.
  4. Workflow tools like rescheduling an employee’s shift, approving an absence, and requesting time off can be completed from a single point using a single login by users with individual permission levels, thus making it easier to manage the employees and leaves more effectively.
  5. It gives continuous feedback so that future notifications of absences can be prepared and scheduled in advance to help manage absences in an organization, thus helping to improve effectiveness.

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Reasons Why Leave Management Software Is Important

There are many reasons for having a leave management system. Some of them include:

A Leave Management System allows you to understand better how much time you spend on each project. It will be easier to see which is a priority and when you need to hand off work so that someone else can have a go at it or close out a project. It will also allow you to assess whether your employees are productive. If they should continue in their current position or move on to one where they can use all the skills they have acquired while working with your company. This system will help to conserve valuable resources because there’s no need for extensive office hours or overtime pay.

Also, it allows you to set up a manageable schedule to see how much time employees need to do their jobs without getting overworked. You can also get an idea of whether or not they should hire additional employees. To ease the workload of the existing staff and maintain flexibility in staffing.

Aside from having a better sense of productivity, you will also know how much revenue they are getting from their employees’ time. They can monitor how long they take for lunch breaks and out-of-office activities.

It is a time-saving tool for businesses of all sizes. The typical small business requires 5-10 hours per week to track time off. Whereas larger organizations also have payroll issues monitoring paid time off and tracking vacation/sick/personal time. Leave management systems are designed to reduce this workload significantly by automating the entry of requests for time off. This helps keep employees focused on their regular jobs rather than worrying about their leave arrangements.

If one fails to implement a sound leave management system, one could be looking at misuse of time and costs. Finding effective leave management systems is difficult. Therefore you must thoroughly assess your business before deciding what course of action you will take.

With Juntrax’s automated solutions, you can easily monitor your employees’ leaves. It helps employees to apply for leaves through the dashboard, and all you need to do is approve them. At the end of the month, payslips will be generated automatically by considering the leaves and hours worked. Juntrax provides a user-friendly interface, making it easily accessible and usable for small and large companies. To add on, Juntrax is free of cost for small companies with less than ten employees.


How Workflow Automation reduces employee burnout and stress?

Are your employees on the verge of a meltdown? It may be time to take steps to reduce employee burnout and stress. Burnout is a real problem in today’s highly competitive world, affecting workers in all industries and at every level. Without professional intervention, employees who are burnt out can experience physical exhaustion, irritability, inability to focus on their work, self-blame for not being good enough at work or some other inadequacy, decreased satisfaction with life and job, depression, or anxiety disorder. But what if we say that workflow automation could be the best way to reduce burnout and stress?

You can help reduce employee burnout in two ways: by changing how you manage your staff or by providing them with training. Her is a simple way to understand.

How to reduce employee burnout and stress – the management solution

If your staff works long hours, get them to work fewer hours. In a workplace culture where employees are expected to work long hours without question, it can be difficult for managers to break the cycle. But if you can persuade them to work fewer hours, you’re helping your staff avoid burnout and protecting your company’s bottom line by reducing costs.

Encourage staff to take more breaks during their working day. This will help reduce their stress levels and improve their concentration and productivity when they are working. But don’t let staff take their breaks too often or for too long – if they do, those breaks will become part of the problem rather than the solution.

Promote a workplace culture where employees feel comfortable asking for help when they need it. For example, if someone is struggling with stressful issues at home that are interfering with their performance at work, allow them to talk to someone confidently and get professional advice on how to deal with the problem quickly and effectively.

As a company grows, so does the workload. This can lead to employees feeling overworked, exhausted, and burned out. Workflow automation software is viable for a company looking to reduce employee burnout and improve workplace efficiency.

Can Workflow Automation software help reduce employee burnout?

Workflow automation software effectively removes some of the burdens off employees’ shoulders; it can increase company profitability with less downtime. Workflow automation software improves employee engagement and the types of systems you might need before implementing workflow automation software for your company. Finally, it might take your team before efficiency improves after implementing this system into your work environment.

Workflow automation is a system in which work is ordered and managed. A workflow process could be defined as a set of related tasks that generate a value-added output with minimum errors or delays based on the given input. Workflow automation can execute repetitive protocol steps to make it more efficient. Workflow automation solutions can automate the entire design, implementation, operations, and maintenance process.

Benefits of workflow automation to employees:

Increased productivity

Workflow automation can automate repetitive steps of a process or task to create consistency and order among employees. It is designed to adjust quickly to anticipate future changes, resulting in greater employee efficiency and productivity.

Reduction of errors and bottlenecks

Workflow automation is designed to work with specific rules or parameters depending on the task. This helps improve the organization of steps that generate output, thereby reducing the number of errors associated with the given process. After consulting a software provider who knows your workflow operations, you may opt for a solution already customized for your company’s unique needs, thus cutting down costs and time spent on implementation.

Improved collaboration

Workflow automation software can track tasks, process data automatically, and integrate with other tools that may be required for effective implementation. In short, it simplifies the process and processes more effectively, making it easier for employees to collaborate. Increased collaboration among team members allows for a more efficient work distribution method between employees. This boosts productivity and improves overall employee morale.

Workflow automation software can automate tasks that need to be repeated or distributed among employees or departments. This helps reduce the time taken to execute the same study, which leads to increased employee productivity and efficiency. For instance, a job that needs to be submitted by an employee is automatically done by another employee on behalf of the first one. For tasks involving several steps involved in execution and where there’s a need for communication between employees working at different locations or with different roles/categories in place, decisions can only be made after going through these actions manually.

Also Read: Resource Forecasting in professional services.

How can workflow automation help reduce employee burnout and stress?

With the help of workflow automation software, one can reduce employee stress levels at the workplace. If a project tracking tool is used to manage different projects, all work can be done on time, and errors will not occur again. This has helped a lot in raising employee productivity and efficiency. Here are some unique ways by which you can automate solutions and reduce employee stress. 


The benefits of using project tracking are it allows the manager to monitor all work progress simultaneously, keep track of progress and milestones against a project, and keep everyone aware of the project’s current status. With the help of a good project tracking tool, everyone becomes more aware of what is going on with the various projects in their department or the company as a whole. 


The chance to save time, money, and energy – companies have bigger budgets and more free time than ever. They can invest in automation that will increase productivity and lower costs. Using an application like Juntrax, employees can report their hours accurately without worrying about documentation happening outside work hours. This also leads to less downtime when they set their schedules or take breaks away from work regularly, resulting in no frustration and seamless working.


The way companies onboard new hires is evolving. It’s not enough to hire and send a person out the door with nothing but a forlorn wave goodbye. The push for more automation in the onboarding process is accurate because it leads to better results with less human intervention. It is the best way to increase success rates and reduce time spent on the process. Automated onboarding helps new employees move into their first day on the job. It involves sending employees’ profiles through an online portal and providing them with welcome documents, videos, etc. It’s all built around a CRM platform that includes automated recruiting, social media integration, professional support, and reporting capabilities. This relieves irritation and negligent management. 


Communication is a tricky process. It’s challenging to engage with another person, long-distance or otherwise. Companies are looking for tools that promote effective communication by keeping the team members on the same page. This also allows them instant access to information and other members while increasing their chances of success. 


In a world where data stores are growing daily, cloud data storage makes specific tasks more accessible and efficient. Companies with large volumes of sensitive data can now access secure cloud storage that can scale up to meet demand when necessary. Storage allows team members in virtually any company to store their documents and files. Contacts and emails are all in one place. This reduces time wastage and promotes employee well-being.

Modern technology has made life easy, reduces time wastage, and generates more income. Technology has increased employee productivity and efficiency through well-designed workflow automation software. Juntrax provides integrated solutions to make your work life easy. We have timesheets, project tracking, and central contact management under one roof.

What is Management by Objectives (MBO) 

What is Management by Objectives (MBO) 

Management by objectives (MBO), as the name suggests, is a method of enhancing the way in which the company goals and strategies are understood by the managers and the employees.

Research conducted at the Harvard School of Business states that over 95% of employees actively working in a company tend to stay unaware of the company’s goals, protocols and strategies.

This gap between the company’s work strategy and the employee’s understanding of it leads to a state of inefficient work output and lack of dedication. Management by Objective appears to be the best method to resolve this issue.

In this article, we will explore the meaning of MBO, the steps involved in processing MBO and its advantages.

What is MBO?

MBO stands for Management by Objectives.

MBO is also known as Management by Planning (MBP). The book ‘Practice of Management, published in 1954 was the first time when the term was introduced to the world by Peter F. Drucker and gained popularity over the years.

Management by objectives (MBO) is a strategy based model designed to enhance the overall productivity and performance of a company. In this method, the company defines a clear set of objectives that are addressed and adhered to by both the management and the employees.

How does MBO help an Organisation? 

Management by Objective (MBO) assists managers in systematically updating, assessing and assigning tasks to their employees by considering the goals of both the individual and the company. Particular tasks are allocated to each employee and their work status and progress are monitored on a regular basis.

MBO is all about planning, constructing and executing a particular set of actions dedicated to certain goals. These actions are coordinated to the working teams with complete transparency to prevent confusion and errors. A time frame is assigned to each action plan and regular performance assessment infuses discipline and punctuality in the workspace.

Another benefit of MBO is that it serves as a base for contemplating bonuses, increments, appraisals, promotions or demotions.

Management by Objectives works on the principle of SMART. SMART is a mnemonic that stands for –

SMART objectives are: 

S- Specific

M- Measurable

A- Achievable or Attainable

R- Relevant

T- Time-Bound or Time-limited

These are factors that must be kept in mind while formulating management objectives for a business venture. The SMART strategy will guide you in formulating a plan that aligns individual goals with the company goals.

Management by Objectives Process

MBO is an essential procedure for the benefit of an enterprise. In order to enjoy its advantages, it is important to implement it in a correct manner.

There are 5 major steps in the MBO process. These steps are-

Step 1: Setting organizational objectives

In the first step of MBO processing, Management by Objectives concentrates on either setting, revising or amending organizational objectives. The objectives being assessed require to be measurable and attainable. The most important factor to be considered is the relevance of the goal to the company’s ultimate mission.

Step 2: Setting individual objectives

The second step in MBO processing is to align the organizational objectives of the company with that of the employees. The SMART strategy will guide you through this step.

Step 3: Measuring performances

Step three is all about assessing the employees and giving them the liberty to plan their individual objectives. So far the administration did all work for them, now is the time to give them the control. This acquired ownership will give them a sense of responsibility, dedication and motivation to achieve their goals which will ultimately benefit the organization.

Step 4: Evaluating performance

In the fourth step, the emphasis is on regulating and monitoring the work progress of employees. It is aimed at ensuring that the mechanism is going smooth and the work output is on track with the formulated work structure and deadlines.

Step 5: Rewarding employees

The last step is the evaluation step. Here the managers need to prepare a list of their best-performing employees and reward them for their dedication and good work. They can also prepare a list of under-performing employees and give them constructive feedback and suggestions to improve their work. This brings in healthy competition in the workspace and motivates employees to give better work results.

How does the process of Management by Objectives work?

Management by Objectives (MBO) can be exercised in many ways. It is all about deriving specific goals and leading the company on the path of success. There are many renowned companies like Google, Puma and Apple, that use MBO to improve their work output and performance.

Management by Objectives is a functional strategy and does not interfere in the execution processes of the set goals. It is a result-oriented strategy and focuses mainly on the end result.

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The manager plays an important role in deducing the strategic objectives of the company. These goals are all based on an estimation of conceivable goals within a specific time frame. This highlights the role of a manager as an essential component in the successful implementation and output of MBO.

Advantages of Management By Objectives

Efficient Management

Management of a company is said to be efficient when the work output of their employees is higher than the capital and resources that are invested in the input. In the absence of proper management, this efficiency suffers a backlash.

Companies that work with MBO as a part of their strategic planning, witness better productivity as their employees have a better understanding of their goals and a better work structure to follow.

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Effective Planning

Planning is aimed at creating a framework that guides the company in initiating every important step towards strengthening and widening its business. Good planning automatically shows its impact on the overall performance of the enterprise.

With the help of MBO, planning becomes easy and presents a clearer picture of instructions, expectations and goals to both the company and the employees.

Goal Setting

Setting a clear set of goals allows the managers and employees to plan their action strategy around their primary objectives. This invokes a sense of awareness and allows the employees to make better decisions after measuring the work assigned to them and the time given to complete it.

The Management by Objectives strategic model allows goal setting with mutual involvement of both the management and the employees. It gives everyone a say in the process and allows them to get a clear picture of the company’s ultimate goal.


If an enterprise implements the Management by Objectives (MBO) strategy in an effective manner, they can transform the working of their company considerably. MBOs allow companies to generate ideas, experiment and solve tricky problems. MBO has the power to boost the performance of companies and enhance their productivity by working on the basic understanding of their goal and their entire mechanism.


Smart ways for SMEs to handle HR activities!

Smart Ways for SMEs to Handle HR Activities  

Human Resources is the foundation of every successful enterprise. It is a crucial step for every manager to ensure that they have smart ways for SMEs to handle HR activities.  

HR must have a well-planned structure to manage and guide their HR and maintain a healthy work environment.

Human Resource Management is an in-house process. It aims to increase staff performance to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization. The Department of Labor is primarily responsible for managing people within the organization while adhering to the policies and programs of the organization.

Significant HR challenges for SMEs and Startups

Focusing on HR in small businesses and entrepreneurship is not uncommon, which is why HR executives face some critical challenges in trying to make entrepreneurs realize how Human Resource Management can help move their business to higher levels.

Adaptation to Tasks

To maintain high talent and reward them freely, it is essential to provide employees with job flexibility. You can now monitor the performance of employees, or at least offer flexible office hours, to facilitate top talent and satisfy both employer and employer.

SMEs have the opportunity to create a workable, open, and open environment for employees to relax and focus on the work. HR managers working in small companies like these can quickly solve workplace problems by having personal communication with employees and sharing vital information.

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Exercise Skills

Every employee wants to go far in their professional career, and a company with a few top positions cannot offer many promotions and rewards as a large organization. In such a case, HR managers can refer employees later to enrich job experience by allowing them to learn new skills, a job assignment, or a train crossing.

You can also toss some additional benefits, such as providing high-profile talent the opportunity to visit industry conferences or other value-adding events.

Employee Benefits

Undoubtedly, SMEs and startups cannot compete with large companies when offering great packages and benefits. Make sure you provide a competitive salary and offer benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, retirement plans, etc., benefits such as profit sharing.

Key HR Objectives for SMEs and Startups

The HRM for small businesses and start-ups is different from for large companies because the challenges they face and the goals they want to achieve are different. HR professionals strive to establish effective performance management to identify development opportunities, reward excellent performance, and provide disciplinary or remedial action where necessary.

Some of the critical HR objectives applicable to SMEs and implementation are:

Improve the Skill Model

The primary purpose of the HR department is to recruit the right people for the right jobs in memory of their skills, expertise, and education. This goal is achieved by setting clear job descriptions, establishing job competency models in each department of the company, and balancing roles in similar jobs in the industry.

To ensure business success, HR professionals will analyze studies and data related to hiring, transactions, and costs and create a model of appropriateness.

Explain roles and expectations

To achieve the highest level of profit and efficiency, the HR specialist will align each employee’s work with the company’s strategic objectives and ensure that employees are well aware of the required actions and behaviors by setting clear performance expectations in the job description.

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Define Organization Size

HR strategies are developed according to organizational characteristics. A company’s existing culture contributes significantly to the planned HR strategies and represents the organization’s style and management.

A description of the organization’s size will give you an idea of ​​how big or small the organization will be – will it be an organization that expects employees to ‘do more with less, or will it work overtime to provide new approaches and evaluations?

Other important factors that directly impact established HR strategies are the type of business the organization has created, the chain of command, and the structure of the organization itself. To effectively employ and retain employees to achieve the organization’s strategic goals, human resource plans, policies, and practices are considered.

Explain the Role of Objectives, Vision, and Values

The purpose, vision, and values ​​of a small business or start-up play an essential role in shaping future HR strategies and objectives for the future. The organization’s work will help you understand why the company exists and to whom it operates. The vision statement gives you an understanding of what the organization aspires to achieve and where it sees itself in the future.

Organizational values ​​are the beliefs that serve as the driving force in the operations and activities of an organization. All three – the purpose, vision, and values ​​of the organization directly affect the type and number of employees needed to meet the organization’s goals.

Perform an Employee Review

Staff analysis is considered a vital component of a staff strategy and focuses on the organization, culture, people, and systems used. Performing employee analysis helps to analyze the company’s current state in terms of the issues discussed above and where they want to be in the coming years.

Identifying vacancies in these areas is a smart way for SMEs to handle HR activities. It will enable HR professionals to identify specific objectives specifically designed to fill these vacancies.

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Evaluate the Strategy Used

All HR strategies are guided by testing based on specific, measurable factors. A small business or start-up will consider various aspects of building, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of its HR strategy.

Generally, conducting tests will provide you with accurate facts and statistics on job benefits, several vacant posts, customer complaints, employee complaints, and satisfaction and dissatisfaction with customer and employee standards.


When it comes to HR risk management, an effective strategy will empower you to anticipate challenges at staff levels and practical staff training. In contrast, an effective HRM will propose a solution in the event of a problem.

An effective HRM strategy will provide top talent with plenty of benefits to attract and accommodate them. On the other hand, an effective system will only protect leading employees who apply for a job in the company rather than looking for the best in the entire industry.

Effective HRM strategies are expensive with vital overhead costs, while functional HRM is cheaper and better suited for companies in their early stages.