What is the future of work? 


Human Resources and Artificial Intelligence have been perceived as two different entities for the longest time. These terms have crept up in corporate debates that ponder upon the advancement and betterment of the industry.

Covid-19, however, turned our heads towards an entirely different tangent than the “HR vs AI” one. When all the companies operating offline were shut down due to the pandemic, Human Resources and Artificial Intelligence joined hands to produce office management software like HRMS, ERP, Attendance Management Software and many similar software systems that aimed at automating office management processes.

Now that we discuss the future of the corporate world, we can not skip our experience of the recent past and present. Most of the large, medium and small enterprises switched to cloud-based automated software in order to sustain their businesses. Right from shortlisting, hiring and onboarding to allocating tasks, training and monitoring employees, HR has joined hands with AI to assist companies in staying on track and making the best out of the current situation.

Will AI take over HR?

AI and HR managed to rescue companies from a point of complete chaos and doom. However, people are still sceptical about AI taking over manual labour and HR. This is where most of the companies draw a line. On one hand, where AI is instrumental in streamlining all complex processes and allowing companies to function in a remote and flexible setup, on the other hand, companies address the fact that HR and manual workforce is as important as automated assistance.

The purpose of AI is to inculcate convenience in HR and HR processes, and corporate structure is recognizing and using it for the same.

Benefits of the AI and HR Alliance 

As discussed previously, we know how the AI and HR alliance has proved to be a blessing for companies struggling to get back on track and stay functional during the pandemic.

This alliance came with numerous benefits and some of its benefits are-

Shortlisting Resumes 

Collecting applications, assessing them, shortlisting resumes and contacting them are the basic recruitment procedures that are carried out by all HR departments while looking for new talent that can be added to the company.

While the process requires human supervision, it becomes quite tedious to assess each resume individually. But with the help of the glorious alliance of Artificial and Human Resources, the task becomes easy and quick. AI simply scans the resumes to filter the unqualified candidates and identifies the ones whose resume seems fit for the job. This omits any possibility of overlooking or missing the applications and ensures a bias-free, practical list of shortlisted applications.

Employee Queries and Feedback 

Taking regular feedback from employees is a very important and healthy practice to formulate a productive and satisfactory work environment. Instead of going around and having one on one conversations with the employees, managers can now simply turn to AI for assistance. Periodic feedback sessions can be conducted with the help of automated survey tools and employee pulse surveys that formulate questions and produce reports based on the collected information from the employees.

These surveys can also be kept anonymous in order to safeguard the employee and allow them to give fearless feedback. Managers can also frame surveys with specific objectives to gain information regarding particular departments, processes and projects. Many companies also have the facility of chatbots in order to cater to the confusions and queries of employees without any restriction of time, location or availability of the manager.

Skill and Career Development

Many thriving companies give the credit for their success to the skill set and excellence of their employees. These skills however are not just the ones that the candidate brings with them at the time of their hiring. Companies invest a good amount of their time and capital in ensuring that their employees get regular training, instruction and professional development. These are important to build an environment that promotes dynamic growth for their employees.

Artificial Intelligence allows employers to source the required module and skills from platforms that allow flexible learning that can easily be monitored and tracked by the manager.


Planning meetings, client sessions, follow ups, team bonding exercises and skill development seminars are an essential part of the work structure of every enterprise. However, it becomes difficult for the managers to maintain a track of each meeting and keep up with the entire team.

This is where AI comes to the rescue. With the help of SaaS technologies like Google Calendars, Slack and Trello, managers can create a detailed list of the upcoming schedule and simultaneously coordinate with their employees to stay on the same page. This also allows them to keep a track of the time invested in company events, meetings, seminars and other activities to ensure that the time allocated for projects and tasks does not get compromised.


The HR and AI alliance is the future of work. It is the perfect combination that allows enough flexibility for corporate structures to mould and adjust themselves as per their requirements and conditions. Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources are both indispensable pillars of our work culture and with every diverse situation like the current pandemic, they will continue to prove the value and potency of their alliance.

Role Of AI In Employee Wellness

Advancements in technology are changing with every passing second, it is not surprising that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is foreseen to shape the future of work. Employee well-being through AI has many dimensions that can change the whole approach towards building a healthy and efficient workplace.

AI has been actively demonstrating its global transformation capabilities, and over the past few years, it has been shown how it can affect and improve human resource management. Over the past decade, companies have received applications for using AI to reduce employment and staff statistics bias.

These further assist in understanding their capabilities and automation of HR operations to minimize the additional burden from the human resources department.

Employee well-being with AI, especially managing mental health in the workplace, is one of the most critical and pressing issues. Nowadays, employers know that the mental health of their employees is essential to keeping the employee’s work experience wholesome.

Numerous studies have also shown that employees are now considering their future careers based on the employee experience that they get from a company. Depending upon this experience, they decide whether or not they wish to continue working in the organization.

Moreover, a culture of well-being yields high returns in terms of work output and utilization of the work potential of an employee and the overall workforce.

Diversity and Equality

As many companies face social or legal consequences regarding employee diversity, employers are focused on building inclusive workplaces. Women indeed hold only a quarter of the top business positions, and whites own two-thirds of Fortune 500’s top corporate positions in Europe and America.

The use of AI technology in selecting and hiring talent can ensure a good selection of skills. Similarly, it can measure discrimination in ongoing performance reviews and compensation policies. AI can make sound decisions without racial or gender-based bias that deliberately or unintentionally influences human decision-making.

Organizations thrive in diversity, as different perspectives and backgrounds serve as an essential asset that contributes to growth and development. In addition, these technologies will ensure that companies employ the best talent, as prospective employees are rationally evaluated only in terms of skills and qualifications.

Concerning employee health, using these methods can give businesses more significant benefits, enhance morale and improve corporate culture. Most people would like to be proud of working for a socially responsible organization. Employees will feel encouraged to know that they are valued based on their capabilities and talents.

Improving Response

Another significant improvement provided by AI technology is the ability to reduce the time spent on response loops between lower-level employees and top-level managers. Simple methods of response collection contain ineffective practices, such as the physical distribution of research and manual analysis. These methods tend to make an unintentional human error and require a lot of time, and, as a result, produce a minimal impact on job knowledge.

However, with digital distribution and research analysis, staff feedback can be collected and evaluated over a period of time. Although digital feedback collection is already a widely used practice, there is a promise of greater efficiency in using AI.

The power of AI makes digital feedback and survey collection swift and convenient. In this way, less time will be spent evaluating responses, and more time can be devoted to making changes to improve job knowledge.

Customizing Wellness Plans

AI has the potential to impact the healthcare industry by contributing to improved performance in employees’ lives through customization. Technology can differentiate participants, depending on their personality and preferences, and provide a better user experience. New initiatives can increase people’s goals or individual motivations to encourage them to participate actively.

Fitting Financial Decisions

Employees are often in a conundrum, making an informed decision to obtain the best of their health benefits. While the availability of options for this decision is personal, many employees are unsure of how to use it to their advantage and end up making a bad call for judgment.

An AI-based decision-making system, designed to analyze employee health risks and financial information, will help them make informed decisions and choose the proper health and benefits package. It provides recommendations to employees on what best could be done for them, thereby improving their knowledge and financial security.

Wear Technology Developments

Wearing technology has become an essential part of modern health maintenance for many employees across the globe. These devices can track users’ heartbeat, their walking distance, and how many calories they burn.

It is reasonable to assume that, as the popularity of portable devices increases, the technology behind them will continue to improve. While it is difficult to predict exactly where this technology is headed, many believe that wearable devices will eventually be able to interpret human emotions accurately.

Using this professional position in the healthcare industry may be resourceful in empowering employees to manage their workday well, for example, determining the source of their stress or knowing when to take a break. It will primarily give people the ability to improve their mental wellness constantly.


Innovations around the lives of employees will help to achieve the best results. AI has begun to integrate with many current health efforts, and its growing presence increases the expectation of wellness being achieved on a broad scale.