Importance of HRMS for Digital Marketing Agencies

Importance of HRMS for Digital Marketing Agencies

What is the importance of HRMS for Digital Marketing Agencies?  Why should digital marketing agencies use HRMS? How does it benefit the functioning of Agencies? These are some of the questions which might have brought you here. F

or your business venture to run successfully, it is very essential to keep yourself updated with every aspect of the market. This verve can be seen in your decision to explore the world of HRMS which in turn will give your venture a technical upgrade.

Before getting into the minutes and details of HRMS, let’s get an idea of what it basically means –

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What does HRMS imply?

HRMS stands for Human Resource Management System. This is an upgraded alternative to the manual maintenance of HR records. HRMS is an optimized system that has a combination of tools to process and uphold Human resource data by linking it to information technology via the HR Software.

In the current times of cutthroat competition in the market, companies are dedicated to adopting the latest technologies in order to hold their position. An HRMS looks after every minute detail of your team and keeps track of all updates. The Human Resource Management System offers you a multitasking platform.

The importance of HRMS for Digital Marketing Agencies can be observed by the convenience and expertise it offers. The HRMS Software single-handedly looks after the maintenance of employee records, their performance history, their payroll and all the other information essential for the company.

Need of HRMS in digital marketing agencies

You now understand how an HRMS maintains a balance between all processes by combining the database and generating a furnished data record. what is the actual importance of HRMS for a Digital Marketing Agency? Contemporary times have surpassed the classic framework of managing a company.

Gone are the times when one could simply fit in all the information with respect to their employees in a register or an Excel sheet. It becomes practically impossible to manually manage all documentation, Identity proofs, leave records, overtime schedules and payment details of the employees.

A slight error in these records can cause considerable harm to your company’s reputation, functioning and framework. To ensure a stern mechanism against such an error, the need for HRMS in digital marketing agencies is highlighted. Instead of appointing a team dedicated to the HR department, opting for HRMS turns out to be more beneficial and safe.


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Wondering how HRMS can replace your conventional HR system?

  • Data Maintenance:

One of the vital responsibilities of an HR manager is to ensure that they have all the updated information about each and every employee of the company.

The contemporary changes in the everyday corporate workspace have caused a change in the requirement of information with respect to identity authentication, educational background, health certification and many more details. It is possible that an HR team manages to store all the data with them. The problem arises when they have an urgent requirement for specific information or need to constantly update them.

The accessibility and ease of maintenance are also hampered in the process of manual maintenance.  This is where the role of HRMS is essential. It tabulates all the information in a very convenient manner. The software links all the related data of every employee from the Digital Marketing Agency and presents it in a convenient and tabulated format.

From individual records to team and group data, it allocates a well-structured framework for all information. Juntrax is a prominent name that provides HRMS with a well-built data maintenance platform.

  • Tracking Recruitments:

From short-listing deserving candidates to contacting them and initiating the recruitments, it becomes a hectic job for HR to keep track of everything going on. By ensuring a proper recruitment procedure, there are chances of better work output and in turn enhanced performance of the company.

To ensure a smooth recruitment process, the HRMS provides an automated interface. This interface deals with every aspect of recruitment, from sending off emails to maintaining the response status and essential details.

  • Managing Expenses:

Companies have provisions for numerous different kinds of luxuries expenses. Regulating all this data with apt updates on current expenditure status can be a tedious job for an individual. For automated software, it just takes a few clicks to maintain a well-organised set of all these expenses. HRMS is regarded as the best and most convenient substitute for manual labor in terms of managing expenses for Digital Marketing agencies.

  • Training Sessions:

Every venture aims at polishing their skills and enhancing the expertise of their team. Regular training sessions are a prominent means of ensuring performance enhancement in the employees and the company at large. Formulating a flexible schedule for hosting these sessions is not an easy task.

This is where HRMS gets to showcase one of its essential features – an automated training database. For Digital Marketing Agencies, HRMS is an ideal solution for managing standardized training sessions. The Human Resource Management System formulates a flexible schedule as per the convenience of the employees.  It provides easy access to all training updates without hampering the work engagements of the team members.


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HRMS Software has many more benefits which directly contribute towards a professional and error-free HR setup. Digital Marketing Agencies are constantly leading towards a technologically upgraded outlook. Finding relevant HRMS Software can help you get ahead and make your name in the market.

One such company offering an exceptionally premium range of HRMS for Digital Marketing Agencies is Juntrax Solutions. Pairing up your enterprise with the latest advancements can assist you in reaching your goals at an accelerated pace. It can help you in setting a benchmark in terms of organisation, functioning and work efficiency.


Leveraging MongoDB to deliver compliant solutions across the globe

 Modern startups use multiple apps to manage their day to day operations like HR, payroll, accounting, CRM, vendors, and contractors. One of the biggest compromises organizations make is not leveraging cross-application analytics, as each app’s data stays in their own silo. Juntrax’s vision is to bring all the data into a single platform so that users can run powerful analytics on it.


MongoDB + Node.js


Most of our services run on Node.js, making MongoDB a natural choice. The high read to write ratio and out-of-the-box replica set were instrumental in our selection. Thinking in NoSQL,  documents in collections also helped us in achieving fast development cycles as iterations were quick and easy.


Growing up with MongoDB


We started the cloud journey with (acquired by IBM), then moved to mLab (now part of MongoDB) before eventually settling with the MongoDB Atlas service when it was widely available.


One of the biggest benefits was that it fit right into our AWS VPC workflow, giving us the ability to create clusters in multiple geographical zones. This feature is very critical to our clients as laws of different countries mandate certain data storage in their geographical boundaries.


The benefit of managed clusters also saves us valuable resources, time, and money, which we are then able to direct towards product development.


The continuous backup service too is a lifesaver and gave us a confidence boost on the reliability of our applications.


Our future with MongoDB


We are very confident with MongoDB and plan to run multiple workloads on it. We’re exploring integrating MongoDB Stitch for some services and using MongoDB Charts for internal analytics tools.


Impact of the Startup Accelerator


MongoDB’s Startup Accelerator had a huge impact for us in two ways- 1) As a pre-revenue startup, it gave us access to Atlas resources and 2) the support from MongoDB teams. They invited us to multiple webinars and events which were a valuable learning experience, allowing us to validate our plans.


MongoDB support is also excellent and most of the issues are resolved by just following the extensive yet easy-to-navigate documentation. In case the solution is not found, help is just an email away.