How to onboard new employees in 3 easy steps in this digital age!

How to onboard new employees in 3 easy steps in this digital age!

On-boarding new employees is a very important step for the employer as well as the employee, before starting off their work and becoming an integral part of the team.

No matter what the size of your business is, a lack of a well-defined on-boarding procedure can cost you more time, money, and even the trust of your new employee. As the first impression that even the organization gives can be critical in the overall employee engagement.

On-boarding new employees

In the current digital age, companies have upgraded to automated on-boarding solutions instead of the old conventional ways of manual on-boarding. This provides more transparent communication between the employee and the employer. It helps in integrating the new candidate into the team, in a better and more efficient manner.

Benefits of Automated On-boarding process 

Many enterprises are rapidly switching to an automated on-boarding process. Here are some of the most prominent benefits of automated on-boarding solutions

Cost benefits

According to a report, the average cost per hire can range between $500-$4,000! This is calculated by combining the cost of total hours for doing on-boarding paperwork and time spent to do administrative tasks.

However, one can minimize this cost by breaking the employee on-boarding process into simple steps and automating solutions that can remove the age-old process of endless emails and long spreadsheets. Automated on-boarding solutions provide dual access to both managers and applicants, making it easy and highly secure for both parties to submit information.

Now a candidate knows what exactly they need to deliver before joining the company along with their document list, verification, and other details along with their responsibilities lists for which they are aligned. This also helps in saving on the cost of extra labor and resources.

Benefits of Automated On-boarding process

Save time

Keeping in mind the amount of time spent on completing and managing the process of each employee, you can notice that a considerable amount of time and resources are occupied. But with an automated on-boarding solution, this time is saved by the predefined interface which can be accessed easily by the employee to update their own data. This can be viewed by the admin and edited by both the employee and the employer at any point of time.

Time is the most essential commodity for any business venture, and with the automated on-boarding process, you can save time and invest it in better and more crucial tasks for the growth of your enterprise.


Manual hard copy records are prone to risks and damages. Keeping the probability of data theft in mind, it will not be a sensible choice to continue with the same age-old conventional method of on-boarding new employees. However in the current digital age, with the help of an automated on-boarding solution, you also get access to numerous security tools and features that safeguards your data from any form of harm or theft.

You can authorize exclusive security credentials to your team and keep a check over the list of people who access the cloud-based company data including the on-boarding information of the newly hired employees.

You can also read Do SMBs, SMEs, and Startups need Automated Solutions?

Juntrax Office Management Solution provides automated employee on-boarding Solutions.

It allows you to:
  1. Automate the on-boarding process and give it a simpler and more effective outlook
  2.  Make the on-boarding process transparent and develop better communication between the admin and the employee.
  3. Reduced hiring cost and save time
  4. Improve the on-boarding experience for applicants and leave an impactful first impression.

Automated Employee On-boarding Solution

Wondering how to automate the on-boarding process for employees?

Here are 3 easy steps for on-boarding new employees with Juntrax Office Management Solution :

Single-click initiation of the process:

The on-boarding process begins once the applicant accepts the offer and is willing to move forward. The manager starts by setting up ‘New Employee’ into the Juntrax portal which instantly sends a notification to the new employee providing access details to a secure portal. The manager can set deadlines for form submissions, activate push notifications, and keep the employee posted on any changes to the start dates, etc.

Details submission by the applicant

The new applicant can fill out forms on the Juntrax portal and submit them to the manager directly. The candidate is provided with the information on the list of requisite documents required such as ID cards, experience letters, etc at the time of joining, thus easing the on-boarding process without any confusion or hassle.

Review of the application of newly hired:

After the applicant fills out and submits the requisite documentation, the manager reviews the application of newly hired on the Juntrax portal. After the checklist verification process is complete and all the required paperwork is approved then he can proceed further to convert the applicant into an employee.

onboarding new employees


Juntrax’s Office Management Solution will not only benefit newly hired employees but it will also be helpful for managers, the current employees, and the business venture as a whole.


Crafted By: Aditi Srivastava

Good Office Management Can Build Great Team Spirit!

You will be surprised to know that employees in the US spend approximately 8.7 hours at work on an average workday in their office (A survey report by the American Time Use Survey).  Do you really think all this time is productive and spent on doing the primary tasks only? Absolutely Not! 

A new survey from AtTask conducted by Harris Poll found that U.S. employees at mid and large-sized companies only spend 45 percent of their time on primary job duties. So what about the other 55 percent of the time? This is the time lost in long email communication, lengthy approval processes and administrative tasks. And above all, it leaves employees feeling dissatisfied and unhappy because of time spent on their core job function.


Team Work– Introducing a good office management solution can reduce the unnecessary administrative tasks to a large extent. Everyday jobs like timekeeping and leave management, and following up on approvals can waste productive hours of employees and managers.

For instance,if an employee wants to plan his leave vacation, he has to write an email and do multiple follow-ups with his manager to get approval.A smart and intelligent office management solution should send a notification to his manager allowing him to approve or disapprove the request quickly. Imagine the time saved at both ends through a simple but efficient process. Automating similar tasks and integrating them on a common platform will allow employees to concentrate on their core jobs, raising the productivity index for an organization.

Take another example – onboarding an employee into your organization. The manual ways of onboarding are too time-consuming, error-prone and leave the new employee feeling dissatisfied at the start of his job. Onboarding can be made easier with a self-service portal for applicant, employee and manager. Information flow is instant, central and organized. 

You will be surprised to know that automation in day-to-day processes can improve the total productivity by 20-25% in organizations. (Source: The McKinsey Global Institute). The company can utilize that time in building soft skills or on employee development, leading to a collaborative team spirit and a much stronger enterprise.To learn about the benefits of automating onboarding process, check out our article Benefits Of Automating Onboarding of an Employee

Let’s dig into how an intelligent office management solution can help build great team spirit: 

  • A Centralized Source For All Information:

Introducing a centralized place for storing and accessing company documents can save an employee’s time and energy to go back and forth asking for information. He will be more informed about the job, can work on it right away and deliver as per the targets. This in turn will build his confidence in his new role, make him feel part of the team and dramatically increase his productivity index right from the start.

  • A Better Way to Work:

Great brands are made with great teams! But great teams can only be build by adopting efficient and productive ways to work together. In an organization, there are certain tasks that constantly require feedbacks, approvals, suggestions, and information exchange. An integrated platform that is simple, efficient and accessible to both managers and employees can bring close collaboration without loss of information. An office management solution should be capable to deliver that efficiently.

  • Increase Employee Satisfaction Index:

Teams go through continuous change – from hiring, onboarding, rehire and retire. There are endless steps involved that require coordination between managers and employees. If the process is not well defined and smooth, it is sure to bring friction at both ends. Manual processes are bound to stretch time spent on these small tasks, increase errors and leave employees feeling dissatisfied with the organization.

By automating and integrating these steps through a smart solution, a company can not only significantly increase output but also raise the overall morale of the employees.

Introduce Juntrax Office Management Solution to Your Business

Millions of teams suffer because of poor collaboration techniques and get disoriented easily. It’s time to get rid of old ways of doing work and bring a positive change. Don’t let your inbox get flooded with emails and calendars stuffed with back-to-back meetings.  With Juntrax Office Management Solution, you can help your team get organized, collaborate together and be more productive at their tasks. For more informationon how you can bring a great team spirit and organize your workspace, book a live demo with us.
You can also drop your queries in the comments section, and we will get back to you very soon. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, and LinkedIn page for more updates.

Benefits of Automating the Applicant Onboarding Process

Is your “Candidate Onboarding Process” too time consuming and complicated?

Onboarding a candidate can be a long and tedious process for both the hiring manager and an applicant. The old/manual methods of onboarding a new candidate are too time-consuming, and increasing the chances of human error while tremendously decreasing employee satisfaction even before the job begins. Most onboarding steps are identical regardless the position of the new hire. So why can’t these initials steps of employee onboarding be automated?
